Monday, August 22, 2011

Emmett's Most Excellent Triathlon

Nearly two weeks since my last race so I figured it better be time for a post race report. The day came in went in a blur. This is a local race so all the boys would be out to show their fitness. So I put my game face on and really wanted to give it a go. Ariving to the race site with close to 30mins till race time is one way to make sure you don't stand around loafing. By the time my bike was racked, gear checked, wetsuit on, I ran down to the start for my warm up and before I knew it the gun was going off! My goal was to swim in the front group so I was bound and determined at the start to stick to the feet of the good swimmers around me. We were all pretty bunched up to the turn leaving me optimistic that we would hold the same till the finish. Sure enough the front group of us exited the water all within striking distance. Out of transition and onto the bike. Taking in the scenery of the farms around Emmett. It was not long before my body began reminding me that this is an olympic distance race so really put the hammer down. It has been awhile since the last time I raced this distance and was quickly reminded of how hard one needs to go to stay with the front guys. Coming into t2 I was hoping I remembered my running legs because the cycling legs took a holiday. Quickly donning my T6's and steaming out of transition I starting turning the legs over in hope to contend for the run prime. After about 5k I realized I had only the one gear today and just tried to keep it there. Rick caught me and we ran together for a few k and he opened a gap of about 10secs which he held till the finish...bugger!

All in all a solid day of racing where much was learned! One thing I am realizing in this journey is that it takes time to get good...patience is the key to success.

Thanks for checking in I will leave off with a quote from one of the greats...“It takes a long time to get good” – Scott Molina