Monday, August 17, 2009


Motivation, such an interesting word. The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior. Motivation is present in every life function. Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Education is motivated by desire for knowledge. Motivators can be anything from reward to coercion. Basically no situation is without some form of motivation. As far as being motivated to swim, bike, run at such committed levels there are many things that bring me motivation, a few include; inspiring words, someone telling me I cannot, desire to be better, other athletes, pictures, movies, my brothers fighting for our freedom, simply motivation is found when we seek it. What ever it may be that brings you motivation remember it, write it down, post it up, or watch. Check out this video perhaps it may inspire some motivation.

Mix it Up!!!

How often in life do we get set in our ways and do the same thing hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year? For some there is comfort in knowing what is in store day to day, but it is in the unknown where we find the greatest adventure. With this in mind I set off to mix up the monotony of training and did a little altitude run and bike. Saturday morning found me up a Bogus Basin setting off for a little run on the snowshoe and cross-country skiing trails. So for 45 minutes a friend and I ran/jogged around on such trails to mix up our training from the same old same old, this helps keep training exciting and fun, instead of doing the same thing over and over. Next, my friend dropped me off(thanks Mariah) so that I could spend a few hours on the mounain bike, navigating over new terrain and finding my way back home in Boise. In the pictures you can see the fun on my face along with the powerbar and fruit and nut bar mom made (thanks mom), with a minor scare from what I thought was a rattlesnake. Next time there seems to be too much "same old: in your life "mix it up" with something new, that way when someone asks "what have you been up to?" Your response will go from "Oh just the same old stuff", to .................

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Simplicity is being simple. It is a property, condition, or quality which things can be judged to have, according to wikipedia. This past weekend was spent up in beautiful Stanley, Id. Devoting time to work more on my skills of the simplistic lifestyle: Wake up eat, bike, run, swim, repeat. Pretty much each day was devoted to organizing my thoughts and simplistically living completely stress free. Of course it is simple to live so simply in such an awe inspiring setting, as pictures show. Living the dream! When there are no distractions in our lives it seems as though we are set free to live how we were intended to live since the begining of time. Simply, just living. Taking notice each and everyday to the beauty which surrounds me puts my mind at ease and helps me to recalibrate so to speak. Inspiring one to let go of doubt, cast away all fears and just go for that which we dream.