The past couple of weeks have been a blur. There are times in our lives when it seems that everything goes by way to fast. And then there are times when everything seems to go by way to slow. Like right now sitting in the Library at BSU writing a paper, man why can't I just get done? Well perhaps writing here is not helping. Back to the blur, two weeks ago was spring break. Like most college goers I fled from school at the first opportunity, however unlike most college goers my fleeing did not involve tropical weather and copious amounts of alcohol and headaches. Rather, I headed north to compete in the first race of the season and visit family. The first race was just that, the first race where one has the great opportunity to really test those legs that have been inactive all winter, and blow out a little rust that built up in the four months of non racing. The warm up was over and less than a minute till the gun went off, perfect. That is the way it should be, get done warming up and bam ready to rock. So I did and went through mile one in 5:20 right on que. Needless to say my biking legs were not as ambitious as the running legs and starting the second run of the duathlon I was in third place. The last mile to go and me and another dude battled back and forth for the second spot, with 200 to go I dropped the hammer and beat out my opponent by 5 seconds!! Not a bad way to start off the race season. After a week of frigid temperatures in CDA I was ready to get back to Boise and prepare for my next event the Boise World Championships, also known as the Spring Sprint. This is a serious race here in Boise and Kevin Everett has dominated it for the past I dont know how many years. With a somewhat disappointing swim my aim was to really go for it on the bike and run. Doing so I ended up biking into 7th position, and finally running my way into 5th place where 3rd, 4th, and 5th were separated by less than a minute. I ended up reaching my goal on both the bike and the run, and know that as the season progresses I will be in better shape and ready to take on the races to come. A great way to start the season these past couple of weeks!! I am greatly looking forward to racing Wildflower.
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